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Saltatory Conduction Occurs Only In Myelinated Neurons

The naked axonal area is the nodal area. In myelinated motor neurons nodes of Ranvier are present that are important for saltatory nerve impulse conduction which makes the process of transmitting signals faster than the unmyelinated motor neurons. Action Potential Velocity Article Khan Academy The main purpose of myelin is to increase the speed at which electrical impulses propagate along the myelinated fiber. Saltatory conduction occurs only in myelinated neurons . Is slower than conduction on an unmyelinated fiber. There are certain pathologies associated with myelinated nerves like when there is demyelination of nerve cells it leads to diseases like multiple sclerosis and optic. Hence it is faster than continuous conduction. Multiple sclerosis disrupts the saltatory conduction that takes place along nerve cells. Saltatory conduction 1 point a. Saltatory conduction occurs in myelinated axons from one node of Ranvier to the next node. Continuous conduction occurs