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Saltatory Conduction Takes Place In

Specifically it originates on. What Is Saltatory Conduction. Difference Between Saltatory And Continuous Conduction Compare The Difference Between Similar Terms Although the mechanism of saltatory conduction was suggested in 1925 by. Saltatory conduction takes place in . Saltatory conduction describes the way an electrical impulse skips from node to node down the full length of an axon speeding the arrival of the impulse at the nerve terminal in comparison with the slower continuous progression of depolarization spreading down an unmyelinated axon. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine Nursing and Allied Health Seventh Edition. Depolarizing currents established by the influx of Na flow down the axon and trigger an action potential at the next segment. Myelin sheath insulates axons against depolarization forcing action potential to take place in nodes of Ranvier between myelin sheaths. Neuronal synapses chemical The synapse. In myelinated axons conduction occ