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Saltatory (jumping) Conduction Is Made Possible By This Feature

Welcome to Sciemce where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community. Therefore the conduction velocity of the message increases as it directly goes from one node of Ranvier to another without having to pass through the entire length of the myelin sheath. Saltatory Conduction Brain Anatomy And Function Human Anatomy And Physiology Medical Knowledge Myelin is a fatty white substance made mainly up of cholesterol acts as an insulation around a wire. Saltatory (jumping) conduction is made possible by this feature . The myelin sheath is wrapped around an axon in such a fashion that there are a few gaps in between these are called the Nodes of Ranvier. Simply put the impulse jumps from one node to the other node hence called Saltatory Conduction. Previous question Next question. Saltatory conduction is a term applied to the jumping movement of action potentials. Saltatory conduction is made possible by _____. Saltatory conduction is made possib